Learn How Koala Works 'Under the Hood' With Our New 4-Part Series!

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Updates and improvements to Koala.

Introducing Koala Weekly

Every week, you make an incredibly strategic decision: "Of the hundreds of accounts I could be prioritizing, where do I spend my time to maximize revenue?" The reality is you can only work a handful of accounts each week. Our research shows that hot accounts are 13x more likely to engage — why not spend your time there?

  • Improve your win rate. See when new champions activate on the product. See when an exec or two starts poking around your marketing site. Multithreading wins deals.
  • Don't waste time. Cold outbound is a waste of time compared to warm inbound already on your site. Use your most precious resource wisely!
  • Find the low-hanging fruit. Know when your existing book of business has a new org lighting up, so you can land an early upsell and pull forward that renewal.

💥 Set up your weekly cheat sheet today: https://app.getkoala.com/goto/welcome/rep


You'll do a quick setup process to ensure Koala has your accounts right:

My Accounts

We'll also ask you about other audiences you'd be interested in seeing:

Other Lists

From there, you'll get an email that looks like this in your inbox every Sunday evening, so you're ready to hit the ground Monday:

Weekly Email

Get started for free today!

If your company has a Koala workspace, you can go here to configure your Koala Weekly: https://app.getkoala.com/goto/welcome/rep

If you aren't on Koala yet, you can start for free.

Get started in minutes

You're one pixel install away from discovering the prospects already on your site. Start with our generous free plan today.

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